Målet med projektet är att utveckla nya innovativa företagsidéer med service design genom att blanda företagsidéer från fem olika länder och tre olika branscher: frisör, media och mode och textil.
Företagsidéerna grundar sig på cirkulär ekonomi och utarbetas genom teamwork. Studerande lär sig inte bara om företagsvärlden i sitt eget land och sin egen bransch utan får en mer global och mångkulturell bild av företagsvärlden. I en framtid där det allt mer poängteras hållbarhet är det viktigt med ett mångsidigt kunnande inom cirkulär ekonomi och dess fördelar, därför poängteras detta speciellt mycket inom projektet.
Studerande och lärare i grundexamen inom hårbranschen, mediabranchen och mode och textil med fokus på företagsamhet och cirkulär ekonomi.
Projektet är ett samprojekt mellan Prakticum och Stadin AO i Finland, Ljubljana School of Hairstyling i Slovenien, ROC Mondriaan i Holland, ETIC i Portugal och Viskastrandsgymnasiet och Allmåsgymnasiet i Sverige.
Erasmus+ samarbetsprojekt

In english:
ELFS – Entrepreneurial Learning for Future Sustainability: Project summary and results
This project was an Erasmus+ KA202 – Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training between the partner schools Yrkesinstitutet Prakticum in Finland (coordinator school), Stadin ammattiopisto in Finland, ROC Mondriaan in the Netherlands, Srednja frizerska šola Ljubljana in Slovenia, Escola de Tecnologias Inovação e Criação in Portugal and Viskastrandsgymnasiet and Almåsgymnasiet in Sweden. The project was executed during the period 1.9.2019-31.8.2022.
The aim of this project was to develop new innovative business ideas with service design by blending business ideas from five different countries and three educational fields; fashion, media and hair dressing. In addition to blending business ideas from different countries and fields, the project focused on future skills in sustainable development and circular economy as central themes. The project also benchmarked and developed new methodology for entrepreneurship education.
Three workshop weeks were held during the project period; Helsinki 2-7.2.2021, Hague 7-12.11.2021 and Lisbon 8-13.5.2022. Approximately 30 students participated in each workshop week. The students prepared various pre-assignments for the workshop week, through which they got a deeper understanding in circular economy and sustainable development and increased their international entrepreneurial competencies. During the workshop weeks the students made study visits to local entrepreneurs whose core values are sustainability and circular economy, e.g. ecological hairdressers. The students also took part in different lectures held by experts during the week. Lectures were held in the context of circular economy, sustainable development and preparing the students how to pitch. During the workshop week the students worked in intercultural teams with developing innovative business ideas with focus on sustainable development and circular economy. Creative and innovative business ideas were produced by combining ideas from five different countries and three different educational fields. The results were pitched at the end of each workshop week.
Workshop in Hague

Workshop in Helsinki

Workshop in Lisbon